
Your wellbeing is super important! It's vital that you take care of yourself and others, exercise regularly, eat well, stay well hydrated, and consider your mental health.

Below you'll find details of services that provide really useful support and guidance. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and in the current climate it's especially important. There are also some interesting workbooks and documents to support your PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health, and Employment Education).

If you have a serious concern that needs immediate action then always tell an adult, and call 999 in an emergency.


Childline is a wonderful, free service that is open all day, every day.

You can talk to someone about your any problems you're having or anything that you're worried about. Here's a short video that shows what happens when you contact Childline.

It's free to call, and their number is: 0800 1111

Kooth is a great service that you might want to check out if you feel you'd like a bit of guidance or advice - www.kooth.com

Personal, Social, Health, and Employment Education

You may find these workbooks helpful or interesting: